Nutritional Remodel Guide

Build better nutrition habitsĀ in a flexible, maintainable, and realistic way that feels balanced for YOU!Ā 

Access your FREE nutrition guide here!   

Take the guesswork out of building a balanced diet with simple & sustainable eating habits that feel GOOD.

If we’re being honest,
finding a nutrition plan that works for you can be hard.


Finding one that works for you, in the long run, can be harder.


With so much easily-accessible information at your fingertips, it can be difficult to know what’s true, what works, and what’s right for you. 


(If you’re a late-night scroller on TikTok or IG, you know exactly what I’m talking about!) 


So, if you’ve found yourself asking


“Where do I start with building real and sustainable nutrition habits that fit my lifestyle?!”


I've made it easy for you... 


My completely free Nutritional Remodel Guide is your answer! 


This step-by-step guide gives you a clear path filled with...

Small, manageable actions you can use to implement good nutrition habits as you work towards that beautiful, balanced lifestyle that you are SO worthy of living.

Inside the Nutritional Remodel Guide, you’ll find:  

  • A step-by-step habit-building guide to help you design a more balanced diet 
  • Answers to FAQs about building sustainable healthy nutrition habits that actually stick
  • Grocery list guidelines so you can organize your weekly meals with nutrition in mind
  • PLUS actionable steps you can start taking today to set yourself up for nutritional success tomorrow 

Hi! I'm Larissa!

I’m the passionate and driven creator of Lift Heavy Snack Happy, where my mission is to empower driven individuals to become their best selves on the inside and out by healing their relationship with food and fitness. I work with my clients to boost their confidence in making decisions to nourish their bodies and minds when it comes to food and fitness with an educational approach. You can think of me as the teacher, cheerleader, and accountability buddy you didn’t know you needed – cheering you on as you grow into your healthiest happiest self.

Download your free guide here

and take the first step to a healthier & happier YOU.