this is
Lift Heavy Snack Happy.

For driven individuals looking to cultivate a healthy lifestyle, Lift Heavy Snack Happy is the high touch fitness and nutrition program that helps clients build a body they love, upregulate metabolism and ditch food anxiety without crazy workouts or restriction.

Lets be real, we all just want to feel sexyAF and look good naked...

Lift Heavy Snack Happy offers a balanced approach to health and fitness that is built upon the challenges faced and lessons learned in recovery to help driven individuals help themselves grow into their healthiest happiest selves inside AND out, so they can live freely and fully

Connect to work with me 1:1

"A source of info, motivation, and accountability..."

"My favorite part of coaching is having Larissa as a source of info, motivation, and accountability. Learning little tricks and hacks that help me make better choices. Learning exercises that I can do at home which makes it more likely that I will do them."

- Julie S. 

Hey there!

I'm Coach Larissa.

“If you give a man a Fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to Fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”

Lift Heavy Snack Happy was born from a culmination of my love of health and wellness and my desire to support others and help them thrive.  Customized 1:1 coaching is how I work to empower driven individuals to become their best selves on the inside and out by healing their relationship with food and fitness

     Prior to creating Lift Heavy Snack Happy, I worked in the Food & Beverage world, educating buyers on quality products and training sales teams to, well, sell better.

I am sober, in recovery and am embedded in the local community, acting as a sponsor to other women seeking freedom from alcohol and helping them through their own individual journeys – one step at a time. 

     My passion for holistic wellness and helping others to live their optimal life makes my role at Lift Heavy Snack Happy basically the best job ever. I use an educational approach to fitness and nutrition to empower clients to feel confident making decisions to nourish their bodies and minds when it comes to food and exercise. 

     From sales to sobriety and all of life’s ups and downs in between, 1:1 coaching allows me to be the teacher, cheerleader, and accountability buddy you didn’t know you needed – here to cheer you on as you grow into your healthiest happiest self.

Let's take the guess work out of navigating your personal roadmap to success... 

That's my job ๐Ÿ˜‰


Let's get started with a Free 15 min Consult Call


A deeper dive into my journey to sobriety,

& becoming a health coach.ย 

In this podcast episode I chat withย a mentor & colleague about my alcoholism, road to recovery and why I became a coach. We cover a lot of juicy topics including what to do if you are exploring your relationship with alcohol, my philosophies around coaching, and what I work on with my most kick ass clients.ย 

The 'Radiate with Rita' Podcast
Episode 17 "From Surviving to Thriving"ย 
Listen Now on Apple

"Thank you!"

"I just want to say thank you, because I'm feeling really good right now, and really proud-
I was clearly not able to do this alone and doing this with you has just been so different."

- Kim C.

Kickstart the change you want to see in your life... 


Download my FREE Nutritional Remodel Guide. 

A step by step guide to integrating the building blocks of sustainable nutrition habits into your life.

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Find the balance between a body you LOVE and a life you can actually LIVE.


1:1 Personalized Fitness & Nutrition Coaching

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1:1 Personalized Nutrition Only Coaching 

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One time Game Plan Consult Call 

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Are you living your optimal life?

Why wait? Now is always the best time to invest in yourself

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